How to Create a Membership or Subscription Feature on Blogger

How to Create a Membership or Subscription Feature on Blogger

Creating a membership or subscription feature on your Blogger site can significantly enhance user engagement and generate recurring revenue. While Blogger is primarily known as a free and user-friendly platform for creating blogs, it also offers several ways to set up membership or subscription features. By incorporating these options, bloggers can offer exclusive content, build a loyal community, and monetize their blogs. This article will guide you through the steps and best practices to create a membership or subscription feature on Blogger, ensuring you can effectively manage and grow your audience.

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Why Consider a Membership or Subscription Model on Blogger?

1. Generate Recurring Revenue

One of the primary benefits of setting up a membership or subscription feature is the ability to generate consistent income. Instead of relying solely on ad revenue or one-time sales, a subscription model ensures that you receive payments regularly, providing a stable financial foundation for your blogging efforts.

2. Build a Loyal Community

A membership model allows you to create a sense of exclusivity and community among your readers. By offering members-only content, events, or perks, you can foster a deeper connection with your audience. This sense of belonging can lead to higher engagement rates, as members feel more invested in your content.

3. Offer Premium Content

With a subscription model, you can offer premium content that is not available to the general public. This can include in-depth articles, videos, e-books, or other valuable resources that provide additional value to your subscribers. Premium content can differentiate your blog from others and attract a dedicated readership willing to pay for access.

Steps to Create a Membership or Subscription Feature on Blogger

Define Your Membership or Subscription Offering

Before setting up a membership or subscription feature, it's essential to define what you will offer. Consider what kind of content or benefits would be valuable enough for your audience to pay for. Common types of subscription content include:

Exclusive Articles and Blog Posts: Offer in-depth guides, tutorials, or insights that are not available to non-subscribers.

Downloadable Resources: Provide e-books, templates, checklists, or other downloadable materials.

Access to a Private Community: Create a private forum or group where members can interact, share ideas, and ask questions.

Live Webinars or Q&A Sessions: Host live events where subscribers can interact directly with you.

Early Access: Give subscribers early access to new content or announcements.

Understanding what your audience values will help you tailor your membership offering to meet their needs, increasing the likelihood of subscription sign-ups.

Choose the Right Tools and Platforms

Blogger does not have built-in support for membership or subscription features, so you will need to use third-party tools and platforms to create this functionality. Here are some popular options to consider:

Memberful: A subscription management tool that integrates with various platforms, including Blogger. Memberful allows you to create membership plans, manage subscribers, and offer gated content. For more information, visit the Memberful website.

Patreon: A popular platform for creators that allows you to offer memberships and receive payments. You can link your Blogger blog to your Patreon account, providing patrons access to exclusive content. Learn more about how to get started with Patreon on the Patreon website.

Gumroad: An e-commerce platform that allows you to sell digital products and subscriptions. You can use Gumroad to offer memberships and integrate it with your Blogger blog. For more details, check out the Gumroad website.

PayPal: Use PayPal buttons for simple subscription setups. PayPal allows you to create subscription buttons that you can embed on your Blogger site, allowing visitors to subscribe and pay for access. Visit the PayPal Subscriptions page for more information.

Set Up a Subscription Page on Blogger

Once you have chosen the tool or platform for managing memberships, the next step is to set up a subscription page on your Blogger blog. This page will serve as the gateway for readers to learn about your membership options and sign up. Follow these steps to create an effective subscription page:

Create a New Page: In your Blogger dashboard, navigate to the "Pages" section and click "New Page" to create a new page dedicated to membership or subscription information.

Design Your Subscription Page:
Use the page editor to add content that explains the benefits of becoming a member. Include details about what subscribers will receive, how often they will receive new content, and the cost of the membership.

Add Subscription Buttons: Use the code provided by your chosen membership platform (e.g., Memberful, Patreon, Gumroad, or PayPal) to add subscription buttons to your page. These buttons should be easy to find and encourage readers to subscribe.

Include Testimonials and Social Proof: If you already have members, consider adding testimonials or quotes from satisfied subscribers. Social proof can increase trust and persuade new readers to subscribe.

Create Gated Content

Gated content is content that is only accessible to subscribers. To create gated content on Blogger, you can use a combination of private posts and third-party tools. Here’s how to do it:

Open a private content blog: Open a new blog similar to your original blog, and put private content in it so that only invitees or subscribers can see this content, by making the entire blog settings dedicated to readers only.

Use Private Posts: Blogger allows you to set posts as private, which means they are not visible to the public. You can use this feature to create posts that are only accessible to members. To share these posts with members, you can send the post link to subscribers via email or a private members’ area.

Use Third-Party Tools: Tools like Memberful and Patreon offer features to gate content effectively. With these platforms, you can create a members-only area where subscribers can log in to access exclusive content. This method provides a more seamless experience for both you and your subscribers.

Promote Your Membership or Subscription

Promotion is key to attracting subscribers to your membership program. Here are some effective strategies to promote your membership or subscription feature:

Highlight Membership on Your Blog: Use prominent placements on your blog to advertise your membership options. This can include banners, pop-ups, or dedicated sections on your homepage that explain the benefits of subscribing.

Leverage Email Marketing: Build an email list of your readers and send out regular newsletters highlighting the benefits of your membership. Use email marketing services like Mailchimp to manage your email campaigns effectively.

Utilize Social Media: Promote your membership feature on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share testimonials, sneak peeks of exclusive content, and special offers to attract followers to subscribe.

Offer Limited-Time Promotions: Consider running limited-time offers or discounts to encourage readers to subscribe. Limited-time promotions can create a sense of urgency and drive sign-ups.

Engage with Your Members

Once you have subscribers, it’s crucial to engage with them regularly to keep them satisfied and reduce churn rates. Here are some tips for maintaining a strong relationship with your members:

Provide Consistent Value: Ensure that your subscribers consistently receive the value they signed up for. Regularly update your blog with new exclusive content and communicate with members about upcoming content or events.

Communicate Regularly: Send regular emails or messages to your members, keeping them informed about new content, updates, or changes to the membership. Effective communication builds trust and keeps members engaged.

Seek Feedback: Encourage your members to provide feedback on the membership experience. Use surveys or feedback forms to gather insights into what members enjoy and where you can improve. Listening to your members can help you refine your offerings and increase satisfaction.

Track and Optimize Your Membership Program

To ensure the success of your membership or subscription feature, it’s essential to track performance and make data-driven decisions. Here’s how you can do it:

Use Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics can help you track the performance of your membership page, including page views, conversion rates, and subscriber behavior. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement.

Monitor Subscriber Growth: Keep track of your subscriber numbers and observe trends. Identify what strategies are leading to growth and which ones need adjustment.

Adjust Pricing and Offerings: Based on feedback and data analysis, you may need to adjust your pricing or the benefits you offer. Experiment with different pricing tiers or introduce new content types to see what resonates best with your audience.


Creating a membership or subscription feature on your Blogger site can be a powerful way to engage your audience and generate recurring revenue. By defining a valuable membership offering, choosing the right tools, creating gated content, and effectively promoting your membership, you can build a successful subscription model on Blogger. Remember to engage with your members regularly, seek feedback, and optimize your program based on data. With dedication and strategic planning, you can turn your Blogger blog into a thriving membership-based community, providing value to your readers and generating a steady income.

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