Google Forms for Nonprofits: Collect Donations and Feedback

Google Forms for Nonprofits - Collect Donations and Feedback

Nonprofit organizations continuously seek efficient and cost-effective ways to manage their operations, engage with their supporters, and drive their missions forward. With the advent of digital tools, these organizations have new opportunities to streamline their processes and improve their reach. One such tool that has gained significant traction is Google Forms. Known for its versatility, simplicity, and accessibility, Google Forms provides a robust platform for nonprofits to collect donations and feedback. This article explores how nonprofits can harness the power of Google Forms to meet their goals effectively.

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What is Google Forms?

Google Forms is a free, cloud-based tool offered by Google that allows users to create surveys, quizzes, and forms to gather data from respondents. It is part of the Google Workspace suite of applications and integrates seamlessly with other Google services like Google Sheets, Google Drive, and Gmail. Nonprofits can use Google Forms for various purposes, including volunteer registration, event planning, collecting feedback, and perhaps most importantly, gathering donations.

Why Nonprofits Should Consider Google Forms

Nonprofit organizations often operate on limited budgets and rely heavily on donations and volunteer efforts. Thus, finding cost-effective tools that can maximize impact is crucial. Google Forms fits this need perfectly. Here are some compelling reasons why nonprofits should consider using Google Forms:

 1. Cost-Effective: Google Forms is free to use, which means nonprofits can allocate their resources elsewhere rather than spending money on expensive form-building software.

2. Easy to Use: With its intuitive interface, Google Forms requires no advanced technical skills, making it accessible for all members of the organization to create and manage forms.

3. Customizable: Users can personalize forms with their organization's branding, including logos and color schemes, to maintain consistency and professionalism.

4. Integration with Google Tools: Data collected via Google Forms can be easily exported to Google Sheets for analysis, shared via Google Drive, or incorporated into Gmail campaigns.

5. Real-Time Data Collection: Responses are collected in real-time, allowing nonprofits to make timely decisions based on up-to-date data.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Donations

Collecting donations is one of the most critical functions for nonprofits, and Google Forms can facilitate this process seamlessly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how nonprofits can use Google Forms to collect donations:

Creating a Donation Form

1. Start by opening Google Forms and selecting a blank form or using a pre-made template. A blank form offers flexibility, allowing nonprofits to tailor the form according to their specific needs.

2. Title and Description: Give the form a clear and engaging title, such as "Support Our Cause - Make a Donation Today!" In the description, briefly explain the purpose of the form, how the funds will be used, and express gratitude to potential donors.

3. Personal Information Fields: Include fields to collect the donor's name, email address, and contact information. This information is crucial for sending receipts and thank-you notes.

4. Donation Amount: Create multiple-choice options for preset donation amounts and an open field for custom donations, ensuring that donors can give according to their capacity.

5. Payment Information: Although Google Forms doesn’t process payments directly, you can integrate payment methods like PayPal or Stripe. Include a link or button in the form that directs donors to a secure payment page.

Integrating Payment Options

Google Forms itself does not handle payment processing, so nonprofits will need to integrate third-party payment solutions. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Embed Payment Links: Include a hyperlink to a PayPal donation page or a payment gateway like Stripe. Google Forms allows hyperlinks to be included in descriptions or as a form question. When donors click these links, they will be redirected to a secure payment page where they can complete their donations.

2. Use Add-ons: Google Forms supports add-ons that can enhance its functionality. For instance, the FormLimiter add-on can be used to set a limit on the number of donations collected or to close the form after a specific date.

Embedding the Form on a Website

Nonprofits can increase their reach by embedding Google Forms on their website. To embed a form:

  • Open the form, click on the “Send” button, and choose the “<>” option to generate an HTML code snippet.
  • Copy the code and paste it into the HTML of the website where you want the form to appear.

This way, visitors to the nonprofit’s website can easily find and fill out the donation form without being redirected.

Using Google Forms to Collect Feedback

Feedback is invaluable for nonprofits as it provides insights into how well they are meeting their mission and serving their communities. Google Forms offers a straightforward way to collect feedback from donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries.

Creating a Feedback Form

1. Survey Questions: Design your feedback form with questions that are relevant to the organization’s activities. Use a mix of multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

2. Anonymous Feedback: Encourage honest responses by allowing respondents to remain anonymous. Google Forms can be set up to not collect email addresses, making it easier for users to provide candid feedback.

Analyzing Feedback

1. Responses collected via Google Forms can be automatically populated into Google Sheets, providing an easy way to analyze data.

2. Use the built-in summary of responses feature to get a quick overview of the data, including charts and graphs, which can be used in presentations and reports.

3. Consider using add-ons like "Autocrat" to automate the process of creating documents or reports based on form responses.

Best Practices for Using Google Forms

To maximize the effectiveness of Google Forms, nonprofits should adhere to some best practices:

1. Keep It Simple: Don’t overwhelm respondents with too many questions. Keep forms concise and to the point to improve completion rates.

2. Ensure Mobile Friendliness: Many users will access forms via mobile devices. Make sure that forms are mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

3. Test Before Launch: Before making the form live, conduct a test run to ensure that all links work, and the form is easy to complete.

4. Follow-Up: Use the contact information collected to follow up with donors and respondents. Send thank-you emails, receipts, and updates on how their donations are being used or how their feedback is making a difference.


Google Forms is a powerful, cost-effective tool that nonprofits can use to streamline their operations, engage with supporters, and drive their mission forward. Whether it's collecting donations or gathering valuable feedback, Google Forms offers a versatile solution that is easy to implement and manage. By integrating payment solutions and embedding forms on their websites, nonprofits can expand their reach and make it easier for supporters to contribute. As digital tools continue to evolve, nonprofits that leverage platforms like Google Forms will be well-positioned to enhance their impact and foster deeper connections with their communities.

For more information on using Google Forms, consider exploring Google's Help Center or visiting TechSoup, a nonprofit resource hub that offers guidance on using technology to improve nonprofit operations.

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